The spray-on roof foam, or SPF System, from Conklin is applied as a liquid using plural-component spray equipment. Once it is sprayed on a commercial roofing surface, the SPF System expands dramatically – to about 30 times its original liquid volume – then dries almost immediately. A dense, massive roofing material fully adhered to the roofing substrate is the result of this dramatic expansion.
Conklin’s SPF System installed by MWE Roofing uses only the strongest, high-density, closed-cell foam. However, this foam is significantly less dense than other roofing materials. It also adds little additional weight to the roof. Due to its capability to adhere to a wide range of roofing substrates, this spray-on roof foam is the ideal solution for re-roofing applications. Additionally, spray-on roof foam is more robust than other roofing systems. It offers high resistance to wind uplift. It is because of all this that spray-on roof foam is most popularly used as an exterior roofing system for monolithic domes, among other applications.

The Conklin Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) System is a spray-on roof membrane offered by MWE Roofing. It is a seamless barrier that insulates and waterproofs your business’s roof to save on energy costs. Conklin’s SPF System will deliver a wide variety of benefits on a new or restored roof for years to come, including leak prevention and increased energy efficiency. The SPF System we install lowers utility expenses with a cool, white, reflective surface, and an insulation value of R-6.5 per inch of thickness. Our SPF System from Conklin also stops lateral water movement with the foam’s closed-cell structure and simplifies repairs, meaning most damage can be fixed with a caulk gun and coating. Lastly, a Conklin SPF System installed by MWE Roofing extends the life of your business’s roof, providing you peace of mind for years to come.

In most cases, your business can avoid a complete roof tear-off and the costs associated with it. This is due to the innovation possessed by a spray-on roof foam system and its ability to restore and waterproof commercial roofs for a number of years.
There are a variety of benefits associated with MWE Roofing installing a spray polyurethane foam roofing system or repairing an existing SPF commercial roof. It seems energy prices are constantly rising these days, and every business owner is on the lookout for ways to cut costs and keep those energy prices low. MWE Roofing’s spray-on roof foam system solution will do wonders to your energy bill, quickly converting a business’s old roof from an energy-sucking system to a clean, eco- and energy-friendly roofing system. It’ll keep energy costs down so much, that your spray polyurethane foam roofing system will most likely pay for itself within seven years after installation.
Spray-on roof membranes made from polyurethane foam are strategically designed to provide superior energy efficiency and a long-lasting, highly durable roof for any commercial building. SPF Systems on a roof offer excellent insulation value and a smooth, seam-free barrier against extreme weather when coated with Conklin coating systems. Since spray-on roof foam is especially light – about eight ounces per square foot – it can be applied over a majority of existing roofs without exceeding the building’s load capacity. While it is definitely lightweight, that doesn’t mean you should be concerned about its strength and durability. SPF systems are incredibly strong and highly durable, withstanding light foot traffic and other weight requirements with ease. SPF has been on the roofing and coating market for decades, and SPF roofs have been known to record roof lives of over 40 years – surviving everything Mother Nature has to throw at it in the process.
The spray-on roof foam systems from Conklin have met numerous industry groups’ most rigorous requirements, including those from Underwriters’ Laboratories and Factory Mutual. The SPF System used by MWE Roofing is also recognized by the International Conference of Building Officials. You and your business can rest easy at night knowing MWE Roofing and our friends at Conklin have you protected for many years to come.

The spray polyurethane foam roofing systems provided by Conklin and MWE Roofing are exceptional at insulating your business’s building, sealing off escaping, or entering airflow in the process. These spray-on roof systems are applied directly onto a business’s rooftop, as new construction or roof restoration, and fill all preexisting cracks and openings on the roof to seal and prevent heat loss from the building. The closed-cell spray foam version MWE Roofing utilizes is one of the roofing industry’s highest yielding R-values with a rating of 6-6.5 per inch thick.