Conklin’s Fabric-Reinforced Roofing System installed by MWE Roofing will give your building and business trouble-free protection. It waterproofs with a seamless acrylic coating in which a tough, flexible fabric is embedded. This combination makes a rugged, yet lightweight, membrane that resists splitting and rupturing – the primary cause of leaks. This roofing system also substantially increases the strength of your roof, extends its life expectancy, and increases the energy efficiency of the building.

There are a variety of advantages to having a Fabric-Reinforced roof installed by MWE Roofing. For instance, this system provides protection where it is needed most – at the seams. It also features a dirt-resistant finish and fast application, possessing the ability to be applied quickly and minimize worksite congestion. Fabric-Reinforced Systems are available in a variety of quality coatings, ensuring at least one is right for your commercial building. It eliminates the need for expensive tear-off and haul away, and lasts longer due to it being a cooler roof. Non-pro-rated material warranties are available for the Fabric-Reinforced systems we install, and it is easy and affordable to repair and renew when the timing comes.
By now you are well aware that most roof leaks occur at weak points in a roof’s membrane. These weaknesses are located along seams, flashings, and pipe and vent openings. By combining weather-tight welding and superior sealing techniques with the added protection of the internal, Reinforced-Fabric layer, a supremely strong, durable surface is created – one that can completely withstand the worst rainstorms and snowmelt.
High winds, heavy rain and hail have been known to cause plenty of damage. In fact, most of a roof’s damage can be attributed to these weather elements. Wind-blown debris landing on a roof causes cracks and tears, especially if the roof is aged or weathered. Debris such as leaves, branches, dirt, and gravel also add weight and hold moisture – leading to damaging puddles, mold, and mildew. All these examples can really do a number on a roof’s protective coating. A Fabric-Reinforced roof works constantly to protect your commercial building from these factors. Completing the recommended cleaning and maintenance allows a Fabric-Reinforced coating to withstand the elements better – and significantly longer than standard coatings.
One simple way to reduce energy costs is through a high-quality roof – a roof MWE Roofing can provide your business. Fabric-Reinforced roofs are an easy thing to repair and maintain, also saving on costs. During the middle of summer, uncoated roofs can reach upward of 150 degrees, or hotter in some cases. That heat doesn’t stop at the roof; it moves, radiating downward into your commercial building and heating the internal temperature. White, cool roof coatings reflect UV radiation outward, away from the building. This reduction results in lower air conditioning costs, less weathering and damage of roofing, better protection of the building’s contents and services within, and improved comfort of employees inside.
Conklin’s Fabric-Reinforced Roofing System is one of the best solutions available to extend the life of your commercial roof. A Fabric-Reinforced roof reduces heat transfer into your business, lessening thermal shock (expansion and contraction of roof materials) and preventing leakage. They also improve the structural integrity of the commercial building.
The white Fabric-Reinforced roof MWE Roofing installs from Conklin reflects 85% of the sun’s heat from the roof. It reduces temperatures on the roof by as much as 50% and saves up to 30% in air conditioning costs. Conklin’s Cool Roofing maintains maximum, long-term protection through the features and benefits listed above. It is important to remember, though, that annual or bi-annual cleanings will keep it bright and effective for years – adding peace of mind to your day-to-day operations.

A fabric-reinforced ply roofing system is the best of both worlds – combining the leak-resistant, seamless membrane of a liquid-applied system with the strength and toughness of a single-ply system. The fabric-reinforced roof has a finished, watertight coating membrane with extra strength while not adding significant weight. A fabric-reinforced roof includes a reflective, energy-saving white topcoat that allows your commercial finished ply system to persist through extreme weather and offer tough, long-lasting protection. Our friends at Conklin Company Inc. reinvigorated the commercial roofing industry with its introduction of white acrylic Fabric-Reinforced Coating Systems decades ago. Even then, they knew white roof surfaces reflect more of the sun’s rays than darker ones. White roofs are naturally cooler – saving commercial building owners, and your business, on annual cooling costs.
A Fabric-Reinforced roof can be custom-built on-site with no seams or tear-offs and small work crews. It can also completely self-adhere to a commercial roof.