Midwest Enterprises Roofing is committed to providing high-quality commercial roofing. Because of this commitment, we use only the best roofing systems for your business. Conklin Roofing Systems are developed by Conklin Company Inc., a nationwide company with tens of thousands of independent distributors.
Conklin commercial roofing systems offer the most innovative and sustainable roofing systems in today’s market, providing superior protection and substantial energy efficiency. Conklin roof products are known for their exceptional quality and longevity, allowing us to provide our customers with exceptional commercial roofing solutions.
Cool Conklin roofs reflect heat and UV rays for more comfortable interiors, reduced air conditioning costs and increased energy efficiency. Conklin’s roof recoating systems also offer a greener choice – recoating vs. replacement to save time, labor, disposal and landfill costs. Choose Conklin Roofing Systems with confidence with 30 years of unsurpassed performance for thousands of satisfied customers.

MWE Roofing offers a complete waterproofing system for metal roofs. This commercial roofing system hinders rust, prevents leaks, and provides an energy-efficient, long-lasting and attractive finish coat. All metal restoration seams are supported with fabric reinforcement embedded into the acrylic elastomeric roof coating. Utilizing premium caulking, we ensure all exposed fasteners are sealed from weather. This entire commercial roofing system is protected with one of Conklin’s industry-leading roof coatings. The metal roofing restoration system offered by MWE Roofing is an effective method for preserving existing metal without the costly metal repair or replacement.
At MWE Roofing, we strive to provide our customers with the highest-quality roofing imaginable. That’s why we work with Conklin to get the superior commercial roofing systems you need. We build off the acrylic roofing coatings our friends at Conklin develop, adding innovation to it by pairing it with a complete waterproofing system for approved-aged membranes. This system can improve and extend the life of an existing membrane roof. Weathered membrane roofing systems have been known to crack, leak and compile dirt, weakening their effectiveness and energy-saving capabilities. The elastomeric coatings we use from Conklin can repair aged TPO, PVC, EPDM, CSPE, CPA and Modified Bitumen.
The Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) commercial roofing system we utilize is a seamless barrier that insulates and waterproofs roofing to save on energy. Conklin’s SPF System delivers benefits on a new or restored roof such as leaking prevention, increased energy efficiency, inhibition of lateral water movement, simplified repairs and extended roof life.
The Fabric-Reinforced Roofing System from Conklin used by MWE Roofing will give buildings and businesses worry-free protection. This commercial roofing system uses a seamless acrylic coating to waterproof, featuring a tough, flexible fabric embedded within. This makes for a rugged, lightweight membrane that won’t split or rupture – thus eliminating leaks. Conklin’s Fabric-Reinforced Roofing System dramatically increases roof strength, increasing life expectancy and energy efficiency.
The Conklin Single-Ply Membrane Roofing System we use is highly resistant to a variety of chemicals, extending roof life and providing superb reflectivity. A Conklin Single-Ply roof installed by MWE Roofing will deliver benefits such as leak prevention, wind and hail resistance, increased energy efficiency, and versatility to be installed during any season.
The bottom line is that a roof is a long-term investment – not just another expense. You can be sure that Conklin Roofing Systems installed by MWE Roofing are a smart investment to keep your bottom line strong.